December 12. 1 Thessalonians ch 2-4
[2] Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision And inscribe it on tablets, That the one who reads it may run. [3] For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.
Habakkuk 2:2-3 NASB1995
GOOD DAY: Today, we start our journey to the end of the year. I have started reviewing my year more so that it is the year and month of a landmark birthday for me. As I sat to write, the Holy Spirit dropped ‘WAIT FOR IT’ in my spirit. Do you have a vision that looked possible when you saw it and up till now the hand of the scale hasn't shifted? God says don't lose hope, wait for it for, it will come at the appointed time. How do you process the waiting time? WRITE THE VISION OR GOAL OUT CLEARLY SO THAT WHOEVER SEES IT WILL RUN WITH IT. Every vision requires angels (ministering spirits) and people to work it to manifestation. At the fullness of time, they will all see it and bring it to manifestation quickly.
Second, believe that the One who promised is able to work it out and He never fails. On that note, without denying your present state, keep your faith up glorifying God.
Romans 4:19-21 NASB1995
[19] Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb; [20] yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, [21] and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. This is how Abraham the father of faith handled his waiting time. He believed God and kept glorifying Him until the time of the fulfilment of the vision or promise from God. God is saying to us (as I have unfulfilled visions too) today that the vision is real and will come in its time we should stop worrying about it. Let the Lord minister peace and joy to you again. Don't lose hope or worry yourself sick. The vision comes.
PRAY: Dear Lord, I believe You. Heaven is cool Lord and sometimes I feel You forget us in this hot and harsh world. Uphold us till the vision comes. Send Your cooling effect to keep us going Lord.
Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584
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