July 14.            Proverbs ch 31-Ecclesiastes ch 2


And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.   Matthew 3:9 ESV

GOOD DAY: I was shocked when I saw stones preaching the gospel to humans at a convention in Germany and people were there listening. I thought the post was another conspiracy. But yesterday, I was not just shocked but motivated to start reaching out with the gospel of love to those who hurt emotionally that no one is reaching out to. What did I see? Another video clip of the stones rising again and this time so detailed in what the stones can do; they obey their inventor. What are the stones? ROBOTS!!! These particular ones in the video are women of different colors and programmed to the nature of whoever will buy them. They are programmed to the man's sexual needs, emotions and even his voice and feeling recognition. She will not respond to another person. I now consider that when men want loyalty and peace in marriage that they think a woman will not give them, they will replace woman with robot and be married to robot instead. The robot will not steal or covet etc. Aren't stones becoming children of Abraham? Robots are already doing human jobs in offices. Aren't stones becoming children of Abraham? When men are no longer preaching the truth of the bible, robots are; men are no longer faithful to terms of marriage as God wants it, robots are; mankind is working and demanding pay increases etc, robots are not; stones are rising up in deed to replace mankind. I think of where this could end and it is scary! 

What can we do? We should start loving God and loving our neighbors. Reach out to those who hurt with the love of God and live not just for I, ME and MINE but US. Preach love and live love as God ordains it. 

PRAY: Dear God, please tune our hearts to live You and love our neighbors. 

Bose Olatunbosun +447399700512; +2348033355584


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