May 28.      Psalms ch 46-48


A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 ESV

GOOD DAY: The world now is filled with all kinds of diseases and medical practitioners themselves are getting overwhelmed with patients. Doctors and nurses are either threatening to or actually going on strike for better pay and condition of service because of the pressure of work.  There is God's  way of medicine that is free for anyone who wishes to do it. It is simple and cheap but may at the same time prove very difficult. It is maintaining a CHEERFUL OR JOYFUL HEART. How does this work? God says  "With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation."

Isaiah 12:3 ESV First, you must believe that there is God. The world is far from God now and everyday the gap is being widened by various legislations all over the world. God says you can be saved from disease  if you have a joyful heart, healing will be difficult no matter the method you employ if your spirit is broken. Secondly, with a joyful heart, you are able to hear God's instructions for your healing. Third and very important is that everything that manifests in nature has a spiritual root. Joy is the emotion of victory. It is the spiritual statement that you have the victory over any situation. No matter what you are going through, maintain your joy level. It is the key to your healing. Pain from disease or any situation will try to take your joy but if you can trust that God is working out the best for your eternal good, you will maintain your joy and you will see the salvation of the Lord.

PRAY: Dear Lord, I ask that You give me joy in my heart that can rejoice no matter my condition. 

Bose Olatunbosun

+447399700512; +2348033355584


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