December 24.    1 John ch 3-5


 ““Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it—the Lord is His name, ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’”‭     ‭Jeremiah‬ ‭33‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭AMP‬‬

GOOD DAY. When I was traveling for a long time, I knew my house keeper might need some things while I was away. I gave her the instruction to call me

Whenever there was a need. The first time she needed to give my brother something, she couldn’t find it and my brother left. He ended up missing an important opportunity because neither him nor the housekeeper called me. 

God knows everything about everything we can ever think of or need. We are to call Him and ask Him about anything we do not understand. If some people claim to hear Him, then you too can hear Him. Whatever He did for someone else, He can do for you too. Call on Him like you will call a friend or parent or even lover. Practice calling on Him having a conversation with Him. God is not only for those in religious offices He is for the layman as well. If we all call Him directly, He will answer us and life will be easier. I have tried it several times. I found He answers me in different ways. Sometime, He gives me an understanding or insight into the matter, at other times, He leads me to where I will see relevant facts that I will put together to give me answers, at times, He drops scriptures in my heart that solves the riddle and sometime, somebody will say something that leads to what I am asking. There are various ways but unless you try calling on Him, you cannot experience it. Start doing it today.

PRAY: Dear Lord, I pray that You answer me when I call on You. 

Bose Olatunbosun.  +2348033355584

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