October 4.       Zechariah ch 12-14


Inside the city, near the Sheep Gate, there is a pool called in Aramaic, The House of Loving Kindness, (BETHESDA) surrounded by five covered porches. Hundreds of sick people were lying under the covered porches—the paralyzed, the blind, and the crippled—all of them waiting for their healing. For an angel of God periodically descended into the pool to stir the waters, and the first one who stepped into the pool after the waters swirled would instantly be healed.   John 5:2‭-‬4 TPT

GOOD DAY. For a long time I have been struggling with making sense of this story along with some others in the bible until I began to study and consider 'IMAGINATION' from Ephesians 3:20 that I found meaning and answer. I wanted to know the Bethesda where I could go and all my diseases will be healed when an angel comes, and if I stay long enough, Jesus will come and help me out. 

Imagination is the Bethesda of today where kindness of God is unlimited. I can imagine as far as I can and God says in Ephesians 3:20 that he will do exceeding abundantly more than that for me. Anyone can imagine no matter your condition and we all do imagine. What and how we imagine is what differs. 

I also found that people are God's pool of kindness. When we show kindness to others, we heal their diseases. A kind word, a little kind act, a kind thought about others goes a long way in healing them of their diseases. Remember that it is not only the person who is physically lame that is lame. It is more the person who is lame in mind that is more lame or really lame. Science has done so well to make working artificial copies of every part of the human body. There is a scientific solution to physical diseases but science has not been able to heal the mind. It is when we allow ourselves to think, imagine and act in kindness towards others that they get healed. Imagine yourself as the drop of kindness in the ocean of people around you. Let the Spirit of God move your heart to show kindness to that person next to you or community that you are part of. Be God's finger of kindness, be Jesus who unconditionally helped that man who had been handicapped for 36 years with no one to help. 

Remember that a little kindness from you could save that next person from depression and mental health issues that could lead to the person turning completely evil. Let us not talk about kindness but DO kindness. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, thank you for all those whose kindness to me have been the healing balm. Please help me to be kind to others I come in contact with.

Bosede Olatunbosun


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