September 26.                   Micah ch 6- Nahum 1

                      LIVING BY FAITH

“For we live by faith, not by sight.” ‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

GOOD MORNING. There are two ways to live. One is by sight. That is what is natural with us and our default setting. What is sight? It is the fact of a situation as nature has made it to be, it is tangible. If the man who invented the aeroplane lived by sight, we would not have the aeroplane. Why? Because it is not natural for humans or heavy equipment like the airplane to rise and be sustained up there. If the inventors of all the conveniences that we use had lived by sight, man would still be primitive. When leaders live by sight, they embezzle money thinking money will give them all the good things of life. Life lived through motivation by the world system or natural facts is life lived by sight. 

Living by sight is like living in a prison of nature. Living in a box and you never get outside a determined radius, you have limits. 

Second is life lived by faith. Faith is virtual and limitless. It is the ability to see into the unseen realm. The way to tap into this limitless realm is through our imagination. We can think as far as we choose to. You can change anything you don’t like by your thoughts and imagination. The best source of inspiration for imagination is from the word or work of God. As the  times are becoming  tougher and rougher with living  becoming more difficult, only people who are bold enough to live by faith will survive. What is faith? Faith is calling what we do not see as if they were. Faith is knowing that whatever you need or think about is already present in the spirit realm. When you have this assurance, you then think in it until it becomes vivid and you are instructed about how to make it happen in the physical realm. 

Living by faith, you can have peace of mind, joy and be loving no matter the situation because you see the solution to your challenge and live by that not in the challenge. Switching to living by faith is the answer to all world problems. There is peace in the spirit, let each person live by that. There is honesty as well and love. Let us live by that and it shall happen. We shall have a better world. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, help me to live by faith in You. 

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