September 30.     Haggai ch 2 - Zechariah ch 2

                          LET US CLEAR OUR HOUSE

“As for us, we have this large crowd of witnesses around us. So then, let us rid ourselves of everything that gets in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭GNT‬‬

GOOD DAY. We women in particular have a lot of clothes and jewellery we do not use or even realise they are there for years yet they occupy space and clog up our house. Such is how ideas, beliefs, experiences and stories we hear are stored in our deep deep mind and clog up our minds without even really realising it. Scientists demarcate the mind into CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS minds. The conscious mind is the objective mind that we use everyday to analyse things and make decisions. It occupies 10% of our mind. The subconscious mind is the subjective mind that plays up when situations similar to what made us store it up crops up again and we send out strong thoughts and words based on them that the conscious mind works with. These deep rooted thoughts are what shape events around us. It occupies 90% space in the mind.

Unless we clear these deep rooted beliefs that so hinders our walk and work of faith, we cannot change our situations to what we actually desire. 

How do we know these subconscious beliefs and other baggage we have there? The first indicator of them is fear. Something your conscious mind will rationalize as normal will just be met with an unexplainable and overbearing paralysing fear followed by a remembrance of a long time event or parable or sayings from some cultural belief that fuels that fear. Once this happens, you feel the feeling you had when you first stored that belief then you react to that thought and the thing that you do not want will happen and persist. Tomorrow, we will look in depth into this subconscious load that we have and how to drop them and replace them with needed good beliefs.

PRAY: Dear Lord, open my eyes to stored beliefs in my subconscious mind that hinder my progress and block my joy.

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